I’ve been to this facility quite a few times now and I have to say they are the absolute best in the business! They are thoughtful, they are competent – they are just fantastic and to say that about a dentist that really means something! You always get a friendly face, they make it as painless as possible and I can’t think of any other place I would go For any kind of dental work.

Greetings Lincroft, NJ! Welcome back to the ongoing dental health blog of Newman Springs Dental Care. At our comfortable and modern offer we take great pride in providing quality dental treatment in a caring environment. Exciting advances in dental technology have helped us reshape the smiles of numerous patients.
One such patient came to with a dilemma a few months ago. This gentleman was a partner at a local law firm who was suffering from crowded and crooked teeth. He’d considered traditional adult braces in the past, but could never quite commit to spending two years in metal brackets and wires.
More than anything, this gentleman was worried that the appearance of traditional adult braces would make him look inexperienced to his clients. But his thirty year high school reunion was on the horizon, and he was wondering if we had a convenient option for him to straighten his teeth.
Almost immediately, we recommended Invisalign orthodontics to him. At Newman Springs Dental Care in Lincroft, NJ, we’ve helped numerous patients straighten their teeth with the revolutionary Invisalign system. After reviewing some of the benefits of Invisalign, this gentleman made the decision to change his life for the better, and undergo orthodontic treatment with Invisalign.
In the next two posts, we’re going to look at some of the reasons our patients choose Invisalign over traditional braces. Invisalign is an orthodontic system which uses transparent plastic aligners to gently reposition teeth. Many patients prefer the superior benefits offered by Invisalign. Let’s look at some of the benefits!
Benefit #1: Invisalign is a Comfortable Option for Orthodontic Treatment
Traditional adult braces are certainly an effective way to straighten your teeth. But the antiquated metal technology used by traditional braces often proves to be quite jarring to patients. Traditional adult braces use metal brackets which are bonded onto your teeth. These brackets are then threaded with orthodontic wire and bands which pull your teeth into straightened positions.
Traditional adult braces limit the mobility of many patients; it’s much harder to eat and sometimes to speak when you have a mouthful of metal hardware. Patients often complain that the wires and bands are uncomfortably pulling on their teeth. In addition, orthodontic patients frequently end up with cuts on their lips and gums from using traditional adult braces.
Invisalign is much more comfortable option for orthodontic treatment. Invisalign from Newman Springs Dental Care in Lincroft, NJ, doesn’t need metal brackets or wires to reposition your teeth. Instead, Invisalign uses a series of comfortable aligners to gently reposition your teeth. Invisalign patients never have to experience the painful adjustments and pulling sensation which occur in traditional orthodontic treatment.
Benefit #2: Invisalign is Less Noticeable in Your Smile
There are many things that wearers of traditional adult braces complain about; the discomfort of the alignment process, the limitation of their diet, the length of the treatment. But for most patients, the biggest drawback is they simply dislike how their smile looks when wearing traditional adult braces. Working professionals worry that metal braces will make them look inexperienced or immature, no matter what their age really is. College students dislike the idea of looking foolish when they meet new people.
Invisalign is a better option because it is less noticeable in your smile. Invisalign gained its name because it uses aligners that are virtually invisible in your smile. Invisalign aligners from Newman Springs Dental Care in Lincroft, NJ, are constructed out of comfortable and clear plastic. Most of our patients tell us that no one can tell when they are wearing their aligners. Not even friends and family!
Benefit #3: Invisalign is a Faster Option for Orthodontic Treatment
Many adults patients have to wear traditional braces for two years or longer. That’s a long time! That means you’ll have to endure two Thanksgivings struggling to eat turkey, and two St. Patrick’s Days struggling to chew your corn beef. Traditional adult braces may be effective, but they certainly don’t work quickly.
Invisalign from Newman Springs Dental Care in Lincroft, NJ, is a much faster option for orthodontic treatment. Although all treatment times for Invisalign vary depending on the orthodontic issues being treated, the average treatment time for Invisalign is only about a year!
Make An Appointment
Are you ready to enhance your smile and raise your self-esteem by straightening your teeth? Then consider Invisalign orthodontics from Newman Springs Dental Care in Lincroft, NJ. You can reach our office by calling 732-352-3903.