5 Benefits of Short-term Adult Orthodontics

Around Newman Springs Dental Care, we believe that all adults have the right to great orthodontic care without the trouble of traditional metal braces! After all, there are great short-term orthodontic options available, and we have them right here in Lincroft, NJ!

You can learn more about your options by setting up an appointment or consultation right here in the office. We would love to meet with you to discuss your options, but if you still need a little convincing, let’s take a look at some of the many benefits of short-term orthodontics for adults. We have picked five of our favorites and will discuss them below!

1. Get Rid of That Embarrassing Smile Once and For All!

How long have you been living with that embarrassing smile? How many years have you be self-conscious of the gaps, crowding, or overlapping teeth in your smile? We see adults who have been living with these issues for decades.

With short-term orthodontics, you can end that embarrassment once and for all! We can even complete your treatment in a matter of months! Imagine being able to look at your smile in the mirror and not feel ashamed by what you see! We have the procedure waiting for you right here!

2. Have Healthier Teeth

Changing the way your smile looks is a great benefit, but there is another benefit you might not be as familiar with. Orthodontics are actually used to improve the health of your teeth as well as the looks.
Teeth that are crowded together or overlapping are very difficult to keep clean, which puts you at a higher risk for things like tooth decay and gum disease infections. Once we are able to correct the alignment issues of those teeth, you are going to experience a healthier smile experience!

3. Expect Your New Smile in Time For the Leaves to Change

short-term orthodontics allow us to transform the look of your smile in a matter of months. With the Six Month Smiles option, for example, you will see your brand new smile before the leaves to change this fall!
The average treatment time is, of course, six months, but some patients finish their treatment in as few as four months. It all depends on the alignment issues we are correcting. We can move your teeth this quickly because we are only moving the teeth in your smile zone.

4. Avoid Traditional Metal Options

The benefit that every patient appreciates is the ability to avoid traditional metal braces! No one wants to deal with those silver brackets and wires criss-crossed over their teeth for the next two-three years. That’s the standard treatment experience for patients using traditional metal braces.

Our options all you to avoid metal braces completely (unless you have extreme orthodontic concerns). You can come into the office, receive a comfortable treatment that doesn’t stand out in your smile, and get the look you’ve always wanted within a few short months!

5. Feel Confident in Your Smile Once Again!

The bottom line is that we want you to feel confident in your smile once again. Maybe for the first time! We know patients who have been dealing with an embarrassing smile for most of their lives. The looks on their faces when we remove their short-term orthodontics is something we just can’t get enough of!

We want that same experience for you! We want you to know what it feels like to feel like you can smile freely and confidently, no matter the situation!

It’s Time to Make the Decision

If you are an adult who has been seeking orthodontic care but aren’t sure where to begin, make the call today! Contact us by phone or through our website. We would love to set up your first consultation or appointment very soon so that we can get started!
We can’t wait to see you very soon!