After thoroughly going over your detailed medical history, your dentist finally gives you the green light to receive dental implants. That’s certainly music to your ears since you know for a fact that dental implants can greatly benefit you. First of all, they give you back your attractive appearance, making it possible for you to attend your friend’s birthday or sister’s graduation without having to refrain from interacting with other people. Secondly, they improve your biting and chewing abilities, allowing you to sink your teeth into all kinds of food. Aside from that, they are quite easy to maintain, granting you a considerable amount of free time to play a good game of basketball with your neighbors or watch a romantic movie with the apple of your eye.

As it’s an invasive procedure, it’s important to follow some guidelines as we have listed below.


  • Drop by your Lincroft dentist’s clinic regularly. By regularly visiting your dentist, you can gain reliable answers to dental implant surgery-related questions as well as expert advice on gearing up for what lies ahead.
  • Lay off alcoholic drinks and cigarettes. Taking drinking and smoking out of your lifestyle makes it highly unlikely for your procedure to fail.
  • Get plenty of rest the night before undergoing dental implant surgery. This prevents you from feeling anxious in the middle of your procedure.
  • Put on clothes that make you feel comfortable. Wearing comfortable clothes keeps you from unnecessarily moving while going under the knife.
  • Aftercare Don’t munch on solid foods for a few days. Restricting your diet to soft foods for a few days gives the implant site an opportunity to heal.
  • Avoid strenuous activities. Lifting heavy boxes or cleaning your room immediately after dental implant surgery can cause the implant site to bleed more.

For additional dental implant surgery preparation and aftercare guidelines, don’t hesitate to see Lincroft dentist Dr. Mitchel Friedman here at Newman Springs Dental Care or call 732-352-3903 to set an appointment.