On Thursday October 17th, 2013, Newman Springs Dental Care will be hosting our 7th annual “Dentistry From The Heart” to benefit the less fortunate members of our community. On this day volunteers will be providing free dental care to our neighbors who desperately need it.
“Dentistry From The Heart” was started by our friend Dr. Vince Monticciolo in Florida in 2001. He envisioned a program that would spread across the country to help local communities. There are now dental offices in 48 states that provide a day of free dental care. It has spread abroad and there are over 250 events and over $5 million of donated services. Visit DentistyFromTheHeart.org for more information.
Last year over $53,222 of free dental care was provided to 135 patients in our office.
Examinations, digital panoramic x-rays, cleanings, fillings and single tooth extractions for those 18 years of age and older will be provided. This will be on a first come, first served basis.
This is an enormous undertaking that needs donations, supplies, food and volunteers. Please help us to make this event a community service project that we can build on for many years to come. All volunteers and donations will be publicly recognized.
All cash donations will be used to offset the expenses of Dentistry From The Heart.
Thank you in advance for your anticipated support