Don’t Let Your Smile Change Colors – Get Whiter Teeth [BLOG]

Chances are you’re looking forward to the leaves changing colors, whether you appreciate the cooler weather coming or prefer the warmer summers. Just like the leaves changing hues are a natural part of nature as the year progresses, it’s natural for our teeth to change colors as we age. Whether your teeth have become darker or more yellow with age from coffee, tea, wine, staining foods, tobacco, medications, or genetics, we can help you get whiter teeth in Lincroft.

Here at Newman Springs Dental Care, we have three ways to brighten your smile, no matter the reason it’s not as shiny as it used to be:

  • Teeth whitening
  • Porcelain veneers
  • Composite veneers

Let’s take a quick look at these cosmetic dental options one by one. If you’d like to see your whiter smile soon with one of these options, call 732-352-3903 today to get started.

Teeth Whitening Is a Quick, Affordable Way to Brighten Teeth

Our go-to for whitening teeth, and a popular favorite with our patients, is teeth whitening. We know our patients have different preferences on whether they whiten teeth at home or whiten at the dentist, so we offer both options.

  • In-Office Whitening – This teeth whitening option can be done quickly, even during your lunch break. Essentially, you can come in with stained teeth and walk out with teeth that are several shades whiter. People who have special events coming up, like weddings, reunions, graduations, and even job interviews, tend to love this option. Plus, we give you the whitening trays when your visit is over, so you can keep up with your newly brightened smile at home if you wish.
  • Take-Home Whitening – Home teeth whitening gives you the flexibility to whiten your smile at your pace and when it’s convenient for you. You’ll still get the custom trays and professional whitening solution.

Our office teeth whitening uses a potent solution, far more potent than store-bought whitening. That doesn’t mean it’s harder on your teeth and gums, though. Our custom solution and specially designed trays work together to make your whitening treatment safe and effective while minimizing any sensitivity. And with our team applying the gel or providing instructions for you to do so at home, you can be confident you’ll get great results.

We haven’t told you the best part about whitening yet, though. Our office offers a Whitening for Life program. For a $99 enrollment fee, you’ll get a starter kit and touch-up kits at every regular twice-yearly checkup (as long as you remain our patient and keep those appointments). There’s really no excuse to have stained teeth again!

Porcelain Veneers Cover Stained Teeth & Other Imperfections

Some people simply aren’t candidates for whitening. Though that’s not common, it’s possible based on the reason your teeth are stained. For example, some antibiotics cause tooth discoloration that whitening may not treat to your satisfaction. Other patients want to fix more than just stained teeth – perhaps chipped teeth, uneven teeth, or misshapen teeth.

Our porcelain veneers are a “cover-all” solution for stains and other cosmetic imperfections. And they don’t take much longer than whitening. We can finish most cases in just two visits: one for measurements, impressions, prep work, and temporary veneers, and another for removing the temporaries and bonding your final veneers to your teeth.

The best part about porcelain veneers is that they’re more or less permanent. They can last up to two decades or even longer for some people. They are stain-resistant, so you can expect them to look good even if you want to keep enjoying your morning cup of coffee or evening glass of red wine.

With our computer, we can even show you what your smile will look like before you commit to treatment.

Composite Veneers Brighten & Cover Flaws

Composite veneers are made from a composite material similar to what we use for tooth-colored resin fillings. That means they are not quite as strong as porcelain veneers and may not last as long. However, they are less expensive and reversible should you ever decide you don’t want them anymore (a rare instance once our patients see their smiles afterward, though!).

These veneers offer another benefit: they can be done in one day. You can come in in the morning and leave with your veneers in place.

Like porcelain veneers, they will also give you whiter teeth and hide other flaws. So if dental stains aren’t your only concern, we may recommend one of our types of veneers instead. We may also talk to you about whitening your teeth first so that we can create veneers that match your brighter teeth instead of your current shade.

No matter your level of stains, whiter teeth in Lincroft is possible. We’ll discuss your options with you, and you can make the best decision based on your smile goals and unique situation. To see your bright smile in as little as one visit, call Newman Springs Dental Care at 732-352-3903 today or fill out our online form. If you start this fall, your smile will shine for the holidays!