Get the Affordable Dental Care You Need in Lincroft NJ

Are you looking for the right dentist in Lincroft NJ to provide affordable dental care? Dr. Mitchel Friedman and the dental team at Newman Springs Dental Care leave no stone unturned when it comes to easing your dental bill or providing excellent dental care.

When you come to our dental office, you’ll be treated with the utmost respect and be shown each of your dental options. During any dental exam, we’ll assess the dental problems and then discuss any possible solutions. You can start this process by calling us at 732-352-3903 to schedule a visit. Today we want to run your through a few ways we can help you save money of your dental treatments — this goes for dental problems big or small.

Use the dental insurance you have

It’s November, and now is the time to check the status of your dental insurance dollars. Dental insurance providers offer cardholders about an average of $1,000 to $1,500 to spend on their dental issues. This usually includes things like two free dental cleanings and exams a year as well as discounts on some restorative dentistry or even orthodontics. There are, however, a few downfalls of dental insurance. For one, you pay high premiums every months, but most dental insurance plans run on an annual calendar and do not carry over your dental dollars to the following year. That means any money that’s left over after Dec. 31 DOES NOT go back to you, but rather your dental insurance company’s bottom line. The other issue with dental insurance is that it simply might not be enough to handle your dental costs. Treatments like full-mouth reconstructions can quickly run out your insurance, so you’ll need to find other methods of payment.

Enroll in our in-office saving plan

Most dental insurance is provided through an employer. Some employers do not offer dental insurance. That’s why we’re offering an in-house dental savings plan. You can use our plan to save up to 60 percent on preventive dentistry and diagnostic treatments. You also won’t have to worry about treatment approvals, yearly maximums, or expensive deductibles.

When you become a member of the plan, you’ll receive two free doctor exams and dental cleanings, digital X-rays, fluoride treatment, and oral cancer screening. Additionally, you’ll receive 10 percent off additional treatments.

Membership for one person is only $297 a year, while a dual membership is $587. You can also add children to your membership plans!

Finance your dental treatment

If dental insurance or our in-house savings plan can’t reduce the cost of your treatment, you might want to look at third-party financing options. Our office is carrying financing options because we don’t the cost to turn you away from getting the care you need. We mentioned earlier in this post that some treatments like dental implants and full-mouth reconstructions can be extremely expensive. First off, the value of these treatments far outweighs the cost. Secondly, by financing your treatment, you can break down your payments into management monthly bills.

Many of our patients are using CareCredit to finance their dental treatments. This program allows you to finance large dental bills often with zero-interest financing.

Schedule Your treatment today

It’s important not to put off your treatment or dental needs, especially if the cost is the only thing holding you back. As you can see, our office wants to work with you to build a better smile. If you need affordable dental care, give us a call today at 732-352-3903 to schedule your first appointment. We’d love to work with you!