I’ve been to this facility quite a few times now and I have to say they are the absolute best in the business! They are thoughtful, they are competent – they are just fantastic and to say that about a dentist that really means something! You always get a friendly face, they make it as painless as possible and I can’t think of any other place I would go For any kind of dental work.

You’ll need to visit your dentist twice in order to fix your teeth with dental crowns. Your first visit would be for your initial checkup where your dentist will create an impression of your teeth to help a dental technician create your crown. Your dentist will then send it to an off-site dental lab where it could take about two weeks, maybe even more, for a technician to finish fabricating your restoration. Once done, your restoration is then sent back to your dentist where you’ll have to drop by his clinic again to have your crown fixed in place.
A lot of people simply can’t wait this long just to have their teeth fixed. A busy schedule at work or handling a family at home can fill up a person’s calendar that it’s hard enough to set aside a date to visit the dentist, let alone two. Thankfully, Lincroft dentist Dr. Mitchel Friedman invested in state-of-the-art equipment called CEREC that can fabricate and install ceramic crowns in just one visit.
CEREC Technology stands for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics, but it’s better known as CEramic REConstruction. It’s made up of several machines that allow your dentist to create a digital impression of your teeth, fabricate your restoration from a block of ceramic, and fit it in place all in just a single visit.
Your dentist starts by creating a computerized 3D model of your tooth using a special camera. With the help of his computer, your dentist will be able to design your crown on the spot while you wait. As soon as he’s done, he’ll simply send the data to an on-site milling machine that fabricates the crown from a block of high-quality ceramic. The entire fabrication process can be finished in six to thirty minutes, depending on the complexity of the design. Once finished, your dentist will simply cement your crown into place like he normally would. All of that is done without the need for an off-site dental lab or weeks of waiting.
Since everything is done on the spot, you won’t have to schedule two or more days off from work or your family life. All it takes is a single visit to your Lincroft dentist, so call 732-352-3903 or fill out the online form to schedule an appointment right away.