Newman Springs Dental Care Raises Money for Parker Family Health Center

Dr. Mitchel Friedman of Newman Springs Dental Care in Lincroft believes that having a whiter smile can do more than make you feel more confident; it can help sick and disadvantaged children get needed health care.

Dr Gail Reilly and Jim Holley accepted the check from Dr. Mitchel Friedman at a recent Trustees meeting for the Parker Family Heather Center in Red Bank. Dr. Friedman is also a dentist volunteer at the health center. Dr. Friedman, his staff and patients together raised $3,500 by whitening the donor’s smiles. The donation was shared equally between St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital and Parker Family Health Center. is a charity organization that raises funds for the benefit of children.

The Crown Council is pleased to announce another incredible campaign for the Smiles for Life Foundation, which raised $1.5 million for underprivileged children this year. The Smiles for Life Campaign, made possible by Philips Oral Healthcare and Crown Council dentists, is dedicated to children in need on a global scale.