How do you deal with your fear of the dentist? Do you postpone your appointment and suffer from tooth pain until something worse brings you to the clinic? The good news is that you don’t have to be terrified anymore because the team at Newman Springs Dental Care understands dental anxiety and provides effective measures that’ll make your dental appointment a much more comfortable and anxiety-free visit.
It’s important that you speak with your Lincroft dentist and discuss your concerns so that he/she can explain sedation dentistry in detail to you. Different types of sedatives are used, depending on your level of dental anxiety and the complexity of your procedure.
Oral sedation is the most common type sedative recommended by dentists. It’s a prescription pill that’s taken about an hour before a scheduled procedure. The dosage of the pill will depend on the level of a patient’s anxiety, which can range from mild to moderate. Oral sedatives can make you a little bit drowsy, but don’t worry, you’ll still be awake and responsive during your treatment. Some individuals may fall asleep during treatment, but can easily wake up with a gentle tap. If you need moderate sedation, a higher dose may be given to you.
Sedation dentistry allows your dentist to perform the needed treatment without worrying that you’ll panic or get anxiety attacks during your procedure. Not only would you be calmer and more relaxed, it also takes away minor discomforts such as your gag reflex and lowers your sensitivity to the sounds and smells of the clinic.
Free yourself from dental anxiety with the help of sedation dentistry. For more information, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with your Lincroft dentists by dialing 732-352-3903. You may also schedule an appointment online by filling out our contact form.