Using mouthwash is part of your oral hygiene. It prevents tooth decay, controls plaque and freshens your breath. The liquid solution promotes oral hygiene, reduces oral discomfort, provides moisture to your oral tissue and prevents bad breath. It can be prescribed by your dentist or purchased from the drugstore or grocery.
Dentists may prescribe special mouthwash to patients with severe oral problems, periodontal diseases, gums inflammation or dry mouth. It can be prescribed after an oral surgery or periodontal treatments like planing and scaling. This speeds up the healing process, reduces microbial load and eases any discomfort. Mouth wash is categorized as therapeutic, cosmetic or a combination of both.
Therapeutic Mouthwash
Therapeutic mouth rinses are available in non-prescription and prescription formulation. Theses rinses contain active ingredients that prevent and treat oral diseases. Therapeutic rinses should adhere to the regulations set by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Look for the American Dental Association (ADA) Seal of approval when you buy a mouth rinse so that you’ll be assured that the product is safe and effective.
Ingredients of therapeutic rinses may include antimicrobial, astringents, anti-tartar agents, fluoride, Hexetidine, pain relieving agents and Xylitol.
- Antimicrobials reduce the amount of bacteria in your mouth, reduce plaque and lessen gum inflammation
- Astringent has a cool taste.
- Anti-tartar agents lessen the build up of tartar in your teeth
- Fluoride strengthens your teeth and fights tooth decay
- Hexetidine relieves irritated and bleeding gums
- Pain relieving agents relieve soft-tissue pain and clears film build up on the lining of your mouth
Make sure to brush and floss your teeth before using any mouth wash. Don’t forget to follow your dentist’s instructions as well.
Feel free to contact your Lincroft dentist about preventive and post-surgery care. For more details call 732-352-3903.