Two Ways to Quickly Straighten Your Teeth

We can’t underestimate how much a bright, straight smile shapes the face and helps us make a good first impression. The smile is often first thing people notice about us, and it can say a great deal about our personality.

At Newman Springs Dental Care, our Lincroft NJ dental office is using revolutionary orthodontic treatments to quickly give patients a healthier, straighter smile. Some people believe that if they have crooked teeth, they’ll need to wear braces for two years or longer. That’s no longer the case.
Maybe you have a limited amount of time to fix your smile. Or maybe you simple have a few crooked teeth and don’t want to deal with braces for two years. Or maybe you refuse to wear braces of any kind. We have solutions for all of these scenarios. You can start with our practice today by calling 732-352-3903 or using the online form to request a visit.

A Quick Way to Change Your Smile

There are millions of people dealing with nagging dental issues. Many of those issues include having crooked teeth or gaps between the teeth. These are little alignment issues that can make us self-conscious about our smile. Until recently, there were few ways to change these small issues that didn’t require spending two years or longer wearing braces.

That’s why we’re offering short-term orthodontics like Six Month Smiles and Invisalign. These solutions don’t take as long as traditional braces.

How Six Month Smiles Works

Six Month Smiles is a system used to help people who have mildly crooked teeth. It’s called Six Month Smiles because it takes about six months AT THE MOST to see ideal results. While we do use braces to correct the teeth, these brackets and wires and tooth-colored and blend in with the smile. So it’s extremely subtle, and will not stick out like metal braces.

Six Months Smiles helps align the teeth at the front of the smile — we call these the social 6 because they are the main teeth displayed whenever you smile. We don’t recommend this treatment for patients with bite issues or severe alignment problems. However, there are many people out there who are candidates for Six Month Smiles who don’t need to wear traditional braces. Only having to wear braces for about six months, allows you to keep your teeth clean —wearing braces for years can increase the risk of cavities because the teeth are harder to clean. Plus, Six Month Smiles is a fraction of the cost compared with traditional braces.

What Invisalign Can Do For You

Invisalign is also a short-term orthodontic system that takes about 12 to 18 months to complete. But unlike braces or even Six Month Smiles, Invisalign does not use braces at all. Instead, Invisalign uses a series of clear aligners that gradually move the teeth into a better location. The aligners are virtually invisible and do not affect your speech at all, so it’s possible that no one will even know you’re having your teeth fixed.

The invisibility of the treatment is part of the reason it’s so popular. Many adults and even teenagers who have mildly crooked teeth don’t want to spend any period of time wearing braces. Braces can sometimes make us look younger, and those of us with public-facing jobs or social lives, don’t want to deal with the distraction of braces. Additionally, the Invisalign aligners can be removed at anytime — though you should wear the appliance for at least 20 hours a day —so you can easily clean your teeth and eat whatever you want.

Straighten Your Teeth: Look and Feel Great

Straight teeth makes us look great and feel great. Having straight teeth makes it easier to keep your mouth clean, because the pesky cavity-causing bacteria has fewer places to hide. Also, having crooked teeth or an off-balanced bite can cause extra wear and tear on your teeth, increasing the chances of breaks or fractures.

If you are struggling with crooked teeth, you’ll find that our office can use the short-term orthodontic methods above to correct your smile. Give us a call today at 732-352-3903 or use the online form to request a visit.